2004年6月7日、マイケル・ホリック教授(Michael Holick)は、「安全な日光浴の実践」というテーマについてイギリスの全国紙を釘付けにした。ロンドンのエナジー・クリニック(Energy Clinic)で開催されたプレス・コンファレンスで彼が発した国民への警告は、日光を避けるようにという皮膚科医の指示があまりに浸透しすぎたため、今や人々の健康が大いに脅かされているというものであった。
「あなたはタンニング(日焼け)を擁護するのですか?」、とサン紙(THE SUN)のリポーターが尋ねると、「いいえ」とホリックは答えた。「私はタンニングを勧めているわけではありませんが、事実、タンニングをしたいという人々がいますし、彼らは真実を知るべきです。」と、サンデー・タイムズ紙(The Sunday Times)の記者に対する答えの中で、彼は付け加えた。「そして真実は、ボストンでタンニングをした人を対象に行われたある調査では、日焼けサロンを定期的に利用している人は、冬の終わりに高いビタミンDレベルを維持していたが、非利用者はビタミンDが欠乏していたということです。」
Practicing Safe Sun
Professor Michael Holick held the UK’s national press at bay on 7th June on the subject of “Practicing Safe Sun”. His warnings to the nation at a press conference in London’s Energy Clinic were that sun-avoidance prescriptions by dermatologists have gone too far and now massively threaten public health.
His research points to 30-50% of the UK population being Vitamin D deficient to the extent that they run a very real risk of developing breast, prostate, colon and ovarian cancers. High lifetime levels of Vitamin D have been shown to prevent such cancers – but almost half the population do not maintain high Vitamin D levels year around.
“Are you advocating tanning” asked the reporter from THE SUN. “No” replied Holick, “I do not recommend tanning but the fact is that people want to tan and they should know the truth.” Later, in the answers to The Sunday Times correspondent, he added “and the truth is that in one survey of tanners in Boston, regular visitors to tanning salons maintained high Vitamin D levels at the end of winter, whereas non-tanners were Vitamin D deficient.”
これによって、タンニングの問題はどうなるのだろうか?上記のようなガンを防ぐのに十分なビタミンD を作るのに必要な紫外線は、ごく少量だ(1セッションの約 1/5 〜 1/3 を週に3回)。 しかし、現在までのホリック博士の証拠に基づけば、タンニングをしない人は、する人よりもガンで死亡するリスクが高いらしいので、定期的に適度なタンニングを行うことは非常に良いアイディアのように思える。しかし、「焼きすぎてはいけません!」、「絶対に焼きすぎてはいけません!」、と彼は繰り返す。ひどい日焼けは、きわめて危険な皮膚ガンであるメラノーマに関連がある。サンベッド・サロンの経営者はすでに、サンベッドは光の量を調整できるが太陽は調整できないので、サンベッドの方が太陽より安全だということを知っているだろう。この(高価な)プレス・コンファレンスは、あなた方のために TSA により、オランダとベルギーのサンベッド協会と合同で企画されたものだ。
ホリック博士は、情報のぎっしり詰まったプレゼンテーションを行った。これは実際、タンニング・サロン経営者ならどこの誰でも、是非とも見ておくべきだ。まだその機会に恵まれないというなら、すべての情報は彼の新刊「紫外線のメリット(The UV advantage)」に載っている。これもまた、あらゆるレベルでこの産業に携わる人々が皆、「是非とも読んでおくべき書」だ。この本は一般読者向けに書かれている。
Elevated risk
Holick linked this deficiency to an elevated risk of death from internal cancers mentioned ? far more than would be expected from skin cancer. His message, to “Practice Save Sun” did not seem to be fully understood by the reporters present, and it seemed all had been indoctrinated into believing that the sun is bad for you and tanning has no benefits at all. He calls for further government-funded large-scale studies to confirm where, as he believes, internal cancer rates could be halved by the practicing safe sun.
Where does this leave tanning? You only need a very small amount of UV to make enough Vitamin D (about 1/5 to 1/3 of a session three times per week) to protect against the cancers mentioned. But, since non-tanners appear to run a greater risk of death from cancer than tanners, based on Dr. Holick’s evidence to date, regular moderate tanning would seem like a very good idea. But “Do not burn!” and “Never burn!” he repeated, burning has been linked with Melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer. Sunbed salon operators will already know that sunbeds are safer than the sun because you can get a controlled dose from a sunbed but you cannot from the sun. This (expensive) press conference was organized on your behalf by TSA in conjunction with the Dutch and Belgian sunbed associations.
Dr. Hollick gave an information-packed presentation which really is a must-see far all tanning salon operators everywhere. In case you haven’t had this opportunity yet, all the information is presented in his new book “The UV advantage” which again, is a “must-read” for everyone involved in this industry at every level. It’s written for the public. So, what does he mean by “Practice Safe Sun?”. This means exposure to the sun, without sunscreen, in the heat of the day (11am to 3pm in he months of May ? October) or 6-8 minutes (whole body) about two or three times per week. It is not possible to make Vitamin D from the sun in winter at northern latitudes, but the body is able to store it for quite a while (probably several months, but how many months is not certain, there is evidence that not all stored Vitamin D stays available to the body ? some gets lost’ in fat deposits, especially in obese persons). Regular tanners will not have this problem, of course, especially in the winter months. The advice, as always, is know the tanner’s skin type and do not let them exceed the manufacturer’s recommended session times for that skin type. Skin type 1 persons and children und 16 should never use sunbeds.
For more informations contact The Sunbed Association on 01494 785 941